Single Family and Duplex Permit Process

Permitting generally follows a set process. The forms and information you need are associated with each step in the process below.

STEP 1: Property Research

Research and prepare by searching for tax records, permit history, and assessment records for a specific property address or parcel located in the City of Kirkland, WA.

Do a property search to find which zone the property is located in, then read up on the relevant zoning codes that pertain to it.

Property Search

Additional Tools and Resources to research property, zoning codes and municipal codes.

STEP 2: Pre-Submittal Conference

A pre-submittal conference is a meeting between those interested in developing property or applying for a development permit, and the city staff who will ultimately review the development permit. The purpose of the conference is to determine the feasibility of the project, identify potential road blocks, and review information required for a complete application.

Pre-submittal conferences are not "required" for Single Family and Duplex permit applications, but may be useful. Review Pre-Submittal Conference information to see if you should schedule a meeting.

Pre-submittal conferences are scheduled online through a minimum of (10) business days in advance. Single-Family Residential (SFR) meetings are held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m.
Schedule Pre-Submittal Conference

STEP 3: Permit Application Forms & Related Info

Building Permits are required for construction, modification or demolition of a building or structure. 

Here are some commonly required submittal documents and other related information to assist with your application process.

General Site Plan Requirements(PDF, 278KB)

Application documents for new and existing buildings:
Single Family/Duplex Checklist(PDF, 148KB)
Building Supplemental Information(PDF, 679KB)
Building Height Table(PDF, 761KB)
Rodent Abatement Declaration
Residential Energy Forms (Available courtesy of WSU Energy Program)
Re-Roof Only Checklist(PDF, 89KB)
Residential Rooftop-Mounted Solar Installations
Single Family Plumbing Worksheet(PDF, 720KB)


Detached Accessory Dwelling Units -  A separate permit application with plans and other submittal documents specific to each dwelling unit is required. Each site plan needs to indicate the fire separation distances to imaginary lot lines between the residences to determine if any fire-rated assemblies are required.

Cottage Unit developments - A separate permit application with plans and other submittal documents specific to each dwelling unit is required. Each site plan needs to indicate the fire separation distances to imaginary lot lines between the residences to determine if any fire-rated assemblies are required. The overall site plan will be contained in the Enhanced LSM and does not need to be submitted as part of the building permit set.

Other permits you may need:
Demolition, Move, Sign & Tree Permits
Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical & Fire Permits
State Environmental Policy Act Environmental Checklist
State of Washington Department of Ecology

If you are in a Design Review District:
Design Review Process(PDF, 109KB)
Administrative Design Review Application(PDF, 115KB) & Checklist(PDF, 94KB)
Design Review Board Application(PDF, 1MB) & Checklist(PDF, 710KB)

Related Information:
Affordable Housing 
Development Services Fees

 Public Works Improvement Evaluation Packet Excel(XLSX, 50KB) |  PDF(PDF, 642KB)
Shoreline Master Program
Surface Water Design and Construction
PW Pre-Approved Plans

Permit applications are submitted online through
Apply for Permit

STEP 4: Plan Review

City Staff review applications to ensure compliance with code and safety requirements.

Permit Review Timelines are target dates. Actual review times may vary and are dependent upon workload and staffing.

The land use review process varies depending on the type of request, proposed use or activity, and zoning district. Please review the Zoning Code to determine the appropriate review process. For additional help you can call Development Services and ask to speak with a Planner.

Check the status of your permit review through
Check Status

STEP 5: Inspections

Meet with certified building and electrical inspectors who will inspect the work to ensure code compliance and safety requirements.

Inspection Information
A Building Inspection Checklist includes items commonly written up during the inspection process and provides general information.

Building Inspection Checklists

Inspections are scheduled online through
Schedule Inspection