Juanita Neighborhood Plan Update

Neighborhood Plan Update Logo.png

Planning For Juanita

Beginning in 2023, Planning and Building Department staff in coordination with the residential and businesses communities in the Juanita Neighborhood(PDF, 647KB)  updated the Juanita Neighborhood Plan chapter in the Kirkland Comprehensive Plan. The update included an extensive community engagement process including formation of a Juanita Working Group, study sessions with the Planning Commission, as well as community-based outreach events. The updated Plan was adopted at the end of 2024 in conjunction with other citywide amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. See the Juanita Neighborhood Plan Update Framework(PDF, 813KB) document for an in-depth outline of the Plan update.

Staff is also studying two community-initiated amendment requests in conjunction with the Juanita Neighborhood Plan update, as directed by adopted policies within the neighborhood plan.

January 2025 Updates and Announcements:

Plan Update Process

Outreach and Engagement

Beginning in 2023 and extending into May of 2024, staff conducted a robust public outreach process to solicit input on revisions to the plan which included public workshops, issuance of a community survey, and attendance at neighborhood and citywide events. See the Juanita Neighborhood Plan Update Framework(PDF, 813KB) document which includes our community outreach and engagement plan. A Juanita Working Group convened several times throughout the plan drafting process to work with staff on revising the vision statement and policies to better align with the current and future challenges, desires, and opportunities that will present themselves as Juanita continues to grow.

Public Hearing and Final Adoption

The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the drafted Plan amendments at a meeting on May 23, 2024. At this meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the Draft Juanita Neighborhood Plan for adoption with amendments. The plan was amended and adopted by the City Council on December 10, 2024.The adopted Plan can be found at the link below:

Stay Involved

Contact project lead LeAndra Baker-Lewis (llewis@kirklandwa.gov or 425-587-3265) with any questions about the adopted Juanita Neighborhood Plan.

(updated January 2025)

Community-Initiated Amendment Requests

An important step of the Neighborhood Plan update process involves considering potential zoning and/or land use changes suggested by the community. In this iteration of the Juanita Neighborhood Plan, staff has composed draft policies to address requests from two property owners in the neighborhood, summarized below. See the table below for more information on the sequence of analysis and decision making.

Michael's Site Request (File No. CAM23-00554(PDF, 235KB)) - 9755 NE Juanita Drive 
  • Comprehensive Plan and Kirkland Zoning Code (KZC) amendments increasing the allowed building height from 26 feet to 70 feet, elimination of the residential density restrictions of JBD 4 zone (KZC 52.27.070) to allow 170 residential units and 4,000-4,500 square feet of commercial space.
  • Per the Planning Commission review of the original proposal, the study area for this proposal has been expanded, to include the parcel to the south and an estimated total housing capacity for 300 units across both parcels in the JBD 4 zone. Study area will not include parts of the JBD 4 within the Shoreline Management Area.

Map Outlining JBD 4 Zone.

Goodwill Site Request - 9826 NE 132nd Street
  • Amendments to the Kirkland  Zoning Code (KZC) 35.30.020 and/or the zoning designation of the subject property (currently zoned BC 1) to increase the maximum allowed height from 35 feet to 75 feet, and density allowances to accommodate approximately 500 - 600 residential units and 10,000 - 15,000 square feet of commercial/retail space.
  • This proposal can be accomplished through a zoning text amendment to the current zone, or through a rezone of the property. 

Goodwill Land Use Request Study Area Map

Decisions and Timing
What is being decided in the Neighborhood Plan? What is not being decided in the Neighborhood Plan?
• Framework guidance for future projects that could amend the Zoning Code
• Areas of the neighborhood that are generally appropriate for additional residential and jobs capacity
• Priorities for the future (e.g., where opportunities for more housing/jobs should be focused, and how uses should interact)

• Specific re-zoning of properties
• Maximum heights for specific properties
• Maximum/minimum densities for properties
• Specific Transportation projects to support specific projects

The Neighborhood Plan and Comprehensive Plan sets a framework for the starting point of future Zoning Code amendment projects.


The above would be studied in future Zoning Code amendment projects with the Planning Commission and the public.

Meeting Information

Visit the Planning Commission and City Council agenda pages to view past meeting materials dates listed below.