
Solar panels on the roof of City Hall

The Utilities Element addresses water, sewer, surface water, electric power, natural gas, telecommunications, and hazardous liquid pipelines. The Element supports the continued provision of adequate utility services to support existing and future development. In addition, the Element provides policies for regional coordination of utility needs and support for resource efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy.

2044 Update: Utilities Element Topics

Electric Vehicle charging station at City Hall

Below is a list of study issues, confirmed by the Planning Commission and City Council at a joint meeting in July 2023. The draft incorporates revisions that address issues in the following list:

  • Strengthen policies about resource conservation (e.g., electricity, water)
  • Strengthen policies about renewable energy
  • Support installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (including for bikes and motor vehicles) in public rights-of-way and at City-owned facilities and parks
  • Support exploring ways to make it easier for residential and commercial property owners to install EV charging stations (e.g., through code amendments, partnering with PSE, etc.)
  • Consider the impacts of climate change and fisheries protection on regional water resources
  • Strengthen or add policies about utility resilience
  • Ensure that utility infrastructure can accommodate substantial infill development in the future
  • Support access to internet service to underserved areas
  • Support projects to increase electric grid reliability and resiliency
  • Add policy about reuse of materials/products, recycling, and compost
  • Revise policy regarding the Houghton Transfer Station to reflect the updated situation and focus on ensuring adequate mitigation if the site is selected (see 12/14/2023 Staff Memorandum for more information)

The draft revised Utilities Element goals and policies are available in the menu below.


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